Термінал Б

Термінал Б

MV 0014-1 LP 33RPM BLACKVINYL 140 g/cm3
Side А
01. Коля
02. Дурень
03. Шукай
04. На ви
05. Дитина
Side В
01. Номєр скрит
02. Пєпєл
03. Етім лєтом
04. Нє на кого пєнять
05. Ти одна
06. Кохана
After a year of creative endeavors, the group “Boombox” presented a new album called “Terminal B”, inspired by the frequent flights of the collective, as well as recording songs directly in the terminal of the Ukrainian airport. The record “Terminal B” contains, traditionally for “Boombox”, songs on different topics with the same mood. There are tracks that can be attributed both to the early work of the band and to the “electric period”.
The vinyl includes 11 new compositions, including the sensational singles “Kolya” and “Ditina”.
The soloist of the collective Andriy Khlyvnyuk tells: “We have “our” chairs, we know several shifts of terminal workers, there are some habits, we even look at broken bags with a chuckle. We've taken root here. So why not give the album that name? Especially since we'll be bringing it through this terminal for years to come. The album is light, despite the guitar overload. It's lighter than “Middle Age”, for sure. I can say that I've achieved seventy percent of what I wanted.”
The idea of the cover artwork and the sticker cases were designed by Kirill Vinogradov. Olga Babich photographed the booklet for the album “Sredniy Vik”.
01. Коля
02. Дурень
03. Шукай
04. На ви
05. Дитина
06. Номєр скрит
07. Пєпєл
08. Етім лєтом
09. Нє на кого пєнять
10. Ти одна
11. Кохана