
Jam Roll


Jam Roll

Jam Roll is the first Ukrainian post-punk project of musicians originally from Donbass. The band was formed by childhood friends, who were later separated by the war.

In their early work the band played in the style of metal rap. The repertoire included several songs of their own composition, one of the most striking was the composition - "This Beach". During the live performances the band literally drove the audience into ecstasy.

In spite of the fact that Jam Roll took part in different music festivals: "Moloda Khvylia", "Perlini Sezonu" (Young Hill), it never reached the studio recording of their early compositions.

1998 - 2007 - the band's work was temporarily suspended
2008 - 2010 - the band records their debut two singles: "Alien War" and "Life is Dreams". The band finally decided on their musical direction.
2009 - performance at GBOB (Global Battle of the bands-2009). Drummer was changed, Ilya Korzun was replaced by Alexander Gorbach.
2012 - start of the recording of their debut album "By the sky on skates", which is planned to be released in 2021.
2012 - Grand Prix of the Music LIVE Awards festival
2014 - with the beginning of the war in Donbass concert activity is suspended. At the same time the work on the album continues. The guys are remotely recording new songs, which will be included in their debut studio album.
Jam Roll is a band that, in the endless hustle and bustle and pursuit of fashion trends, managed to stand out with quality, bright, catchy songs and find their own listener!




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